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Source Code Calculator Infix-Postfix Java

Kali ini saya akan posting tentang source codenya calculator infix-postfix dengan menggunakan Java. Semoga bermanfaat:)

package calculator;
import static;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Scanner;
import java.util.Stack;

 * @author Acer
public class calculator {
    public static String inputan;
    boolean debug;
    final String operands = "^*+-/" ;
double result;
final static int PLUS=  1;
final static int MINUS=  1;
final static int PERKALIAN=  2;
final static int PEMBAGIAN=  2;
final static int PANGKAT=  3;
final static int PARANTHESIS=  4;
        public calculator(boolean db){
debug  = db;

    private calculator(String inputan) {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet."); //To change body of generated methods, choose Tools | Templates.
    public  String inputan(String in){
        return null;
    public int operator(String op){
if( op.equals("+"))
return calculator.PLUS ;
else if( op.equals("-"))
return calculator.MINUS;
else if( op.equals("*"))
return calculator.PERKALIAN ;
else if( op.equals("^"))
return calculator.PANGKAT ;
else if( op.equals("/") )
return calculator.PEMBAGIAN ;
return calculator.PARANTHESIS;

public boolean Operand(String s, boolean Paranthesis){
s = s.trim();
if (s.length() != 1 )
return false;
if (Paranthesis &&  ( s.equals("(") ||  s.equals(")") ) )
return true;
else return operands.indexOf( s ) != -1 ;
        public boolean Angka(String s){
String  master="-0123456789.";
s = s.trim();
for( int i = 0;i < s.length()  ;i++)
String lttr = s.substring(i, i+1);
if(master.indexOf( lttr) == -1)
return false;
return true ;
public void parseRPN(String input){
String rpnStr = input;
String[] inputan = rpnStr.split("\\s+");//remove all white space
Stack<Double> inputStack =new Stack<Double>();

boolean  bAllowParenthesis = false;
                       for( String in : inputan){
                            if(in.equals("-")==false && Angka(in ))
double d = Double.parseDouble( in  ) ;
inputStack.push(d ) ;
                            else if( Operand( in , bAllowParenthesis   ) ){
if( inputStack.size() <  2 ){
                                    System.out.println("Operator "+in+ " tidak valid ");
                            double no1 = inputStack.pop();
                            double no2 = inputStack.pop() ;
                            double result = this.hitung( no2 , no1 , in  ) ;
                            inputStack.push( result);
                            else if( in.trim().length() > 0 )
System.out.println( in + " is invalid, only use numbers or operators " );
                        result= inputStack.pop();
double getResult() {
return result;
    private Double hitung(double no1, double no2, String op ) {
if( op.equals("+"))
return no1 + no2;
else if( op.equals("-"))
return no1 - no2;
else if( op.equals("*"))
return no1 * no2;
else if( op.equals("^"))
return Math.pow(no1 , no2 );
else if( op.equals("/") ){
if(no2 ==0 )
throw new ArithmeticException("0");
return no1 / no2;
                    System.out.println(op + " is not a supported operand") ;
                    return null;
public ArrayList<String> infixToPostfix(String input){

ArrayList<String> output  = new ArrayList<String>();
input = input.replaceAll("\\s+","") ;
Stack<String> operandStack = new Stack<String>();
for(int i = 0 ;i< input.length() ; i++){
                    String currentIn = input.substring(i,i+1);
                    if( Operand(currentIn, true)){
                        if( operandStack.size() == 0) operandStack.push( currentIn );
                        else if(operandStack.size() > 0  && currentIn.equals(")" ) ){
while( operandStack.size() > 0  && operandStack.peek().equals("(" ) == false){
                                output.add( operandStack.pop() ) ; }
                        }else if(operandStack.size() > 0 ){
                            if( (currentIn.equals("(") && operandStack.peek().equals("(") ) ||
                                (currentIn.equals("(")== false &&  this.operator( operandStack.peek() )
                                    >= this.operator(currentIn) ) ){
                            while (operandStack.size()> 0 && operandStack.peek().equals("(")== false &&
                                   this.operator( operandStack.peek() ) >= this.operator(currentIn)){  //this.p("III pop off " + operands.peek() +", greater than " + currentToken +",current  out: "+ output.toString().replaceAll(",", " " ) );
  output.add(operandStack.pop() );
  operandStack.push( currentIn ) ;
                            else if( this.operator( operandStack.peek() ) < this.operator(currentIn) ){
                                    operandStack.push( currentIn ) ;}
                    }else if ( Angka( currentIn ) ){

                    ulangAngka : while(  i+1 < input.length()){
                    String nxtLttr =  input.substring(i+1,i+2);
                    if(nxtLttr.equals("-") )
                    break ;
                    if( Angka(nxtLttr ) ){
                        currentIn +=nxtLttr;
                    break ulangAngka;
output.add(currentIn) ;
                    catch (NumberFormatException e){  System.out.println(currentIn + " angka tidak valid"); }

while( operandStack.size() > 0 ){
this.p("V pop off " + operandStack.peek() +" and add to output" );
output.add( operandStack.pop() ) ;
return output;
void p(String s){

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // TODO code application logic here
        Scanner input = new Scanner(;
        boolean debug = false;
calculator rp = new calculator(debug );
        ArrayList<String> asPostfix ;
        String DataInfix="" ;
System.out.println("Data Infix anda : " ) ;
asPostfix =  rp.infixToPostfix(DataInfix);
String hasilPostfix = asPostfix.toString().replaceAll(",", " " ) ;
hasilPostfix = hasilPostfix.substring(1, hasilPostfix.length()-1 ) ;
System.out.println("Postfix " +  hasilPostfix);
System.out.println("Hasil : ");
rp.parseRPN( hasilPostfix ) ;
                System.out.println( DataInfix + " =  " + rp.getResult() ) ;

Berikut hasil running outputnya:


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